DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

Combating COVID-19 Misinformation: Upcoming Community Conversation, Opportunity to Help Translate New DOH Video Scripts

November 10, 2021

Many partners have expressed that misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine significantly contributes to vaccine hesitancy in their communities. In response, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) developed a video script, with feedback from community partners, to combat misinformation in communities across Washington. In addition, DH has planned an upcoming Community Conversation to address this topic.  

The new video script developed by DOH defines dis/misinformation, explores how to fact check information and suggests what action steps to take when you encounter misinformation. The script will be used to create a three-to-four-minute animated video with voiceover narration and captioning, a resource that will be made available to partners when complete.  

The script is currently available in the DOH Misinformation Scripts Dropbox folder:  


DOH invites you to participate in the translation of this script into the languages listed below. Participating partners will assist in translating the text and adjusting the word choice to best suit the audience’s culture and language.  

Spanish Chinese (simplified) Tamil Portuguese 
Vietnamese Marshallese French Tongan 
Russian Samoan Nepali Dari 
Ukrainian Hindi Hmong Pashto 
Tagalog Amharic Chuukese Fijian 
Somali Japanese Mixteco Bajo Palauan 
Korean  Telugu Swahili Romanian 
Arabic Urdu Burmese German 
Punjabi Lao Thai  
Khmer Tigrinya Oromo  
Chinese (traditional) Farsi Karen  

Here’s how you can help:  

DOH is inviting partners to assist in translating the script into the languages listed above. Partners who help translate the script will be compensated $75 per hour for their time. If you are interested in assisting DOH, please fill out this quick 1-minute survey by Friday, November 19, noting which languages you can assist with, and a DOH associate will be in touch with you. Thank you! 

Community Conversation: Addressing COVID-19 misinformation on Tuesday, November 16: 

Likewise, DH is hosting a community conversation on the topic of misinformation. This is an opportunity for partners to discuss challenges, successes and questions surrounding this complex aspect of vaccine hesitancy work. If you are interested in attending this conversational meeting on Tuesday, November 16 from 11am to 12pm, register for the meeting at the Zoom link provided below.  

Register for the COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Community Conversation here: 
