DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

Join Us Thursday, May 12 for a Community Conversation on Equitable Recovery 

May 4, 2022

DH and the Department of Health (DOH) are hosting a Community Conversation focused on equitable recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. During this conversation, we will explore what equitable recovery is and why it matters. We would love to hear from community partners about what healing from the pandemic looks like for you and your community.  

We also hope to connect this discussion back to our February Community Conversation about sustainability planning. According to progress reports, 25 percent of community partners have a sustainability plan in place while an additional 73 percent of partners are interested in additional resources related to sustainability planning. We strongly encourage partners to join us for this conversation, as this will be a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from one another. 

Lastly, we will take a look at DOH’s priorities for the future, as articulated in the long-term COVID-19 response ForWArd plan. The ForWArd plan prioritizes engagement and empowerment; prevention through vaccines, tests and masks; and system readiness as we continue our fight against COVID-19 and come to terms with living with the virus for the foreseeable future. 

If you are interested in discussing this topic with us, please register for the upcoming conversation below and join DH and DOH next Thursday, May 12. 

Community Conversation on Equitable Recovery: Thursday, May 12, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkduGsqj4iE9doq3TdTM6kLJaPIKs5Bdk9  

If you have any questions, please reach out to a DH team member.