DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

Apply for the King County Strategic Communications Campaign Grant by March 7 

March 2, 2022

Many of you have become aware of the Strategic Communications Campaign Grant opportunity through King County. DH has received a few questions about whether participation in the Department of Health (DOH) Community Media Outreach (CMO) for COVID-19 communications project affects your eligibility for this funding opportunity. According to DOH, your participation in the DOH CMO for COVID-19 communications project, while federally funded, should not make you ineligible to apply for this grant. While all the CMO funding is federal, DOH is the receiver or contractor of the funding, and you are a subcontractor. Therefore, you are not considered a federal subrecipient in any of the CMO funding rounds with DOH and DH.   

If you have any additional questions about your eligibility to apply for this grant, please reach out to King County for clarification. Consider consulting the list of requirements for the Request for Proposal linked here. The Strategic Communications Campaign Grant deadline for submission is March 7, 2022 by 5:00 p.m. firm. 

The following organizations/individuals are eligible for funding under this program:  

  • Community-based news outlets 
  • Newspapers 
  • News websites 
  • Radio stations (traditional broadcast or digital) 
  • Digital media 
  • Podcasts 
  • Communications firms with demonstrated ability and experience to reach communities most impacted by both systemic racism and COVID-19 
  • Community-based organizations (for-profit or non-profit) providing communication services within normal business operations and with demonstrated relationships with communities most impacted by both systemic racism and COVID-19 
  • Artists and creators with proven community reach and communication channels 

The total budget for this program is $1.75 million. Maximum awards are $150,000 per organization and may be adjusted to achieve equitable allocation and opportunities for community capacity-building where needs are greatest. 

To learn more about this grant, you can view the details at: 
