DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

Delta Variant Information from DOH

October 1, 2021

The delta variant of the COVID-19 virus has received attention recently, as cases attributed to delta have dramatically increased. Many of us have questions about how this and other variants may affect our messaging around COVID-19 safety practices and vaccine efficacy.  

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has produced a blog about the delta variant, which we have linked below. A Spanish version of the blog is also linked. 

English blogCOVID-19 Variants: Staying Protected for the Long Haul | by Washington State Department of Health | Public Health Connection | Aug, 2021 | Medium 

Spanish blogLas variantes del COVID-19: Cómo mantenerse protegido a largo plazo | by Washington State Department of Health | BienestarWA | Aug, 2021 | Medium 

If additional translations of this blog would help you or the community you serve, please reach out to a DH team member. We are happy to assist with translations. If you have outstanding questions regarding COVID-19 variants, please consult the Variants folder, found in the Messaging & Assets folder on Dropbox and linked below. 

Variant folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/04hz9r8t8b802si/AADI9irm_MOPyjcE6nLz75rUa?dl=0 

As always, please reach out with additional questions or concerns regarding the delta variant. Thank you for your ongoing patience and ambition in this work as information continues to develop.