DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

FAQs About Omicron Answered by DOH’s Chief Science Officer Dr. Kwan-Gett 

February 2, 2022

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently published a blog titled “What to Know About Omicron,” featuring responses to questions about the COVID-19 omicron variant from Dr. Kwan-Gett, DOH’s Chief Science Officer.  

In the blog and associated interview, Dr. Kwan-Gett explores the following frequently asked questions about omicron: 

  • How does a variant like omicron occur? 
  • Is omicron more contagious than other variants? 
  • How does the severity of omicron compare to other variants? 
  • Does vaccination have an impact on the severity of omicron? 
  • Do you find that boosters work to protect people from omicron? 
  • If someone gets a breakthrough infection, what does that mean about how well the vaccines and boosters work? 
  • Could natural immunity offer the same protection against omicron? 
  • With the omicron variant spreading so fast, should people get tested more often? 
  • With omicron spreading so fast, many people are finding out about potential exposures. What should someone do after an exposure? 
  • Are there any other precautions we should take against omicron? 
  • Now we’re approaching the two-year mark of COVID-19 in Washington, and a lot of us are feeling pretty exhausted. Do you think we’ll ever move on from the pandemic for good? 

Consult “What to Know About Omicron” to read Dr. Kwan-Gett’s responses to the questions shared above and to gain insight into questions you may be fielding from your community members as the COVID-19 landscape continues to change.  

For more information about COVID-19 variants of concern, visit the DOH Variants page or explore DH’s Variants Dropbox folder.