DH’s role as a technical assistance provider in the DOH Community-Driven Outreach (CDO) Initiative concluded on 5/31/2024.
For more information, visit WA Portal or contact DOH at communityinvestmentsandengagement@doh.wa.gov.

Interested in a Larger Role in the DOH Collaborative? Submit a Collaborative Thought Partner Interest Form by January 15

January 11, 2022

DOH Collaborative 

The Department of Health (DOH) launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Collaborative in February 2021. The Collaborative brings an equity and social justice lens to DOH’s vaccine planning and implementation efforts and centers the voices of people and communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The Collaborative welcomes representatives from the following communities:  

  • People at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 because of underlying health conditions and/or age. 
  • People at higher risk for COVID-19 exposure or illness because of occupation. 
  • People at higher risk for COVID-19 exposure or illness because of living situation. 
  • People disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 because of access barriers. 
  • People disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic because of systemic inequities and racism. 

Though the Collaborative is currently focused on COVID-19, it may also address pandemic recovery efforts and other health inequities in the future. Those interested in playing a bigger role in the DOH Collaborative should consider serving as a Collaborative Thought Partner. 

Collaborative Thought Partners  

Collaborative Thought Partners play an important role in guiding and advancing the Collaborative. According to DOH, “Thought Partners are Collaborative members who take a more formal, active and represented role within the Collaborative to ensure it is community co-led, centers the communities and sectors that have been most disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, addresses equitable vaccine distribution and access, and advances pandemic recovery efforts.”  

Twenty Collaborative members will serve as Thought Partners, with an approximate time commitment of 5-10 hours per month through December 2022. These hours will be invested in bi-weekly Thought Partner meetings and monthly Collaborative meetings.  

For more information about the DOH Collaborative, visit the Collaborative page. To express interest in becoming a Collaborative Thought Partner, fill out the Interest Form (English) or Interest Form (Spanish) by January 15.