Bridge Access Program Launches 

September 26, 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Bridge Access Program, which provides access to free COVID-19 vaccines for under- and uninsured adults, has officially launched. 

The program will provide vaccines to an estimated 25-30 million adults who lost access to resources after the commercialization of the vaccine. Children under the age of 18 have access to free COVID-19 vaccines through the Childhood Vaccine Program

The program partners with pharmacies across the state, including CVS and Walgreens, to provide vaccines. Find participating pharmacies here. Free vaccines are available through the program until December 31, 2024. 

The CDC has also prepared a Communications Toolkit for partners to utilize when distributing information about the Bridge Access Program that is available on Airtable

If you have questions about the Bridge Access Program, check out this FAQ document or attend the CDC’s virtual office hours during the following dates and times: