New Family Advisory Council for the Washington Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) 

September 13, 2023

Applications are open to serve on the Family Advisory Council for the Washington Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). This new council will provide suggestions on how to improve the quality and effectiveness of DDA programs. It also will give input to help the administration have thorough, transparent and accessible communications with program-eligible individuals and their families. Council members will connect with and gather information from their communities to ensure they represent the experiences of all families. 

Apply to serve on the council using this online form ( through the end of September. People selected for the council will reflect broad cultural, language and racial diversity. Applicants should be family members of people eligible for DDA programs, including people with significant disabilities, both adults and children, including siblings and grandchildren.  

People selected for the Family Advisory Council will serve two-year terms and commit to attending a monthly two-hour meeting. Employees of DDA are not eligible to serve on the Family Advisory Council. 

Please contact the Stakeholder Engagement Program Manager Michelle Sturdevant-Case at or 360-480-0718 with any questions.