DOH Sunsets COVID-19 Hotline 

July 6, 2023

As of June 30, Washington 211 no longer serves as the state’s COVID-19 Hotline.  

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) ended its three-year collaboration with 211, redirecting all COVID-19 related questions to their information hotline 800-525-0127. 

The new information line will be staffed Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and will continue to provide multilingual support to callers. 

Since March 2020, hotline staff members have answered over 560,720 calls, connecting callers to COVID-19 resources including vaccine clinics, testing locations and quarantine guidelines. The 211 line will remain active for other critical social and health services such as food or housing assistance, mental health support and transportation. 

Read the full news release here