Recapping the December MPV Response Workgroup

January 4, 2023

Last December, the MPV Response Workgroup held its fourth meeting to discuss the experiences of CBOs in addressing MPV over the previous months. Alongside these discussions, DOH shared more information about the ongoing name change of monkeypox to mpox, as well as the CDC’s guidance and context for the change. For more information, see our blog on the topic.

During the Workgroup meeting, partners shared their priorities as they prepared for the end of the federal public health emergency for MPV in January. CBOs described their ongoing commitment to investing in high-risk communities and those engaging in high-risk behaviors while also continuing their efforts to destigmatize MPV.

In addition, participants expressed concern about a lack of funding if a second wave occurred and the potential impact on minority communities. Community-led vaccination events are still well-attended, and public health officials and the community partners remain committed to supporting at-risk populations over the coming months.

To learn more about the insights collected at the fourth MPV Response Workgroup, reach out to